Maintenance and Repair Service for Hospital Vital Signs Monitor
Keep tabs on your patients’ vitals with reliable, local, and flexible service and repair of your patient monitors and monitoring systems. Addler partners with in-house biomed teams to reduce the burden and cost of servicing monitors. We offer ready access to experienced biomedical technicians who come prepared, trained and certified to repair and maintain all major patient monitor brands and models. Our technicians have extensive experience addressing patient monitor repair and maintenance needs, including low CO2, anesthetic, and NIBP readings; telemetry issues; signal noise and loss; printer malfunctions; comprehensive preventive maintenance; system failure and more.
Fast Service from Local, Certified Techs
Reduce Backlogs
Maximize uptime to reduce
unnecessary rentals and purchases
Protect Your Budget
Pay-for-what-you-need pricing
(hourly or block-of-time)